News & Events Archive
published on July 2, 2017
Fiscal Federalism in the European Union: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
5th July, Lauterpacht Centre, Cambridge
The European Union is often seen as a legislative giant on clay feet, and many would argue that one of the reasons for this feebleness is the lack of a proper fiscal capacity at the Union level. This debate needs to be placed against the background of the current state of fiscal federalism or distribution of fiscal powers between the Member States and the Union. This workshop hopes to provide a much-needed overview and critique of the current state of affairs in this area, as well as an analysis of the problematic of, and proposals for, future developments.
Workshop Conveners: Dr Alicia Hinarejos (Cambridge) & Prof Robert Schütze (Durham).
People interested in attending should please sign up with Mrs Felicity Eves-Rey (<>).
published on October 27, 2016
Scaling Global Governance – Durham Symposium
9th November 2016, 09:00 to 10th November 2016, 13:00, IAS Seminar, Palace Green
This interdisciplinary symposium invites scholars from Law, International Relations and Geography, to interrogate the role of ‘scale’ in international legal and governance scholarship. The symposium will explore the utility of a scalar approach, what the different scales represent, and whether there are lessons to be learnt about norm transfer and the legitimisation of governance across different scales. The symposium will consider whether the way we measure, label and conceptualise scales influences our approaches to law and global governance. Engaging with ‘scale’ beyond disciplinary silos will further scholarly understanding of the impact of scale in global governance.
published on May 17, 2016
Workshop: “Objectives and Methods of a Contextual Analysis in Comparative Law”
Date: May 19, 2016
Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
published on March 29, 2016
published on March 28, 2016
Barbara Guastaferro, Sincere Cooperation and Respect for National Identities. The Unitary and Pluralist Twist of the European Integration Process, in R. Schuetze e T. Tridimas (eds.) “The Oxford Principles of EU Law”, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016
Maria Anna Corvaglia, Public Procurement and Private Standards: Ensuring Sustainability under the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, Journal of International Economic Law
published on October 29, 2015
Conference “Thinking about Federalism(s) Beyond the United States Experience”
Date: October 29-31, 2015
Venue: Yale Law School
The conference brings together federalism scholars from around the world, including Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Scotland, England, Spain and Belgium. It will also involve scholars from several leading American universities, including Yale, Harvard, New York, Columbia, Michigan, Berkeley, Vanderbilt and Northwestern.
published on June 9, 2015
Federalism and Foreign Affairs: Comparative Constitutional Perspectives
EU Law Discussion Group
Speaker: Professor Robert Schuetze, Durham Law School
Venue: Oxford Law Faculty Seminar Room D (with lunch from 12.30 in the Foyer of the IECL)
published on February 18, 2015
Lecture: ‘EU Federalism: the EU as an (Inter) National Phenomenon’
Prof. Robert Schütze, Durham University
Wednesday, 18th February 2015 17.15-18.45
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde
Room Jäggi (MIS 4112), Avenue de l’Europe 20
published on February 10, 2015
Upcoming: GPI Seminar Series: Prof. Douglas-Scott
3rd March 2015, 17:00 to 18:30
Senate Suite, Durham Castle, Prof. Douglas-Scott
Contact for more information about this event.
published on July 4, 2014
Governance and Globalization: International and European Answers
Friday, 4 July 2014 – 11:30am
Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
University of Cambridge